Mowing in Undeveloped Areas

Go save time and money, KDOT crews mow less frequently in undeveloped areas. KDOT also minimizes mowing on steep slopes. Danger to our employees and the extra maintenance needed to repair turf damage caused by sliding equipment are the main reasons. Cutting heights are prescribed to improve vegetation, increase equipment capacity, reduce flying objects and avoid exposing small litter to view.

KDOT’s mowers are generally set for a 6-inch cut for mowing the shoulder strip. Highway right-of-way in undeveloped areas is mown approximately 15 feet from the pavement edge. Areas outside the shoulder edge mowing are not mowed between April 15th and October 1st. This helps protect ground nesting wildlife in the spring and aids in the sustainability of the native grasses and wildflower by allowing them to go to seed. These areas are mowed out on a four year cycle with an 8-inch cut, but both sides of the road are usually not mowed in the same year.

Reducing mowing while increasing the cutting height strengthens the sod and provides a healthier turf.