KDOT To Hold Public Hearings

May 8, 2000 (Release 00-073)
News Contact: Marty Matthews, (785) 296-3585

KDOT To Hold Public Hearings

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is seeking public input on lane miles that may be removed from the State Highway System as a part of KDOT's System Enhancement Program. Under the program's guidelines, project sponsors may agree to take over responsibility for sections of highway as one way to receive "extra credit" points on their System Enhancement project application. If the project is selected for System Enhancement funding, the sections then lose their State route designation and are no longer the responsibility of KDOT. This happens only after the System Enhancement Project for which the miles were submitted is completed and open to traffic.

"Offering extra credit for removing lane miles from the State Highway System is an effective way to maximize the state's resources," said Kansas Secretary of Transportation E. Dean Carlson. "This is why it was included in the first System Enhancement selection process for the highly successful Comprehensive Highway Program (1989-1997) and it is why we are using it again."

These hearings will focus solely on removing miles from the State Highway System and not the merits of the proposed System Enhancement projects. KDOT personnel will not make any presentations. The purpose of the public hearings will be to listen to public input, both pro and con, regarding potential routes that may be removed from the State Highway System as a result of the System Enhancement Program.

To allow time to consider the information gathered at these hearings, KDOT will delay the announcement of System Enhancement project selection. Announcements had been expected to take place in early summer but are now expected to occur in mid summer.